Estantes Virtuales
Argentina: Licencias de Uso No Propietarias Iglesias, Gonzalo (2008)
Combinatorial functional and differential equations applied to differential posets Menni, Matías (2008)
A lightweight approach for the semantic validation of model refinements Pons, Claudia Fabiana (2008)
A formal foundation for transformations in model driven engineering Giandini, Roxana Silvia (2008)
Architectural implementation issues for a context-aware hypermedia platform Challiol, Cecilia (2008)
Obtaining a Fuzzy Classification Rule System a Non-Supervised Clustering Hasperué, Waldo (2008)
Mapping tasks to processors in heterogeneous multiprocessor architectures De Giusti, Laura Cristina (2008)
Towards a scalable and collaborative information integration platform and methodology Van de Maele, Felix (2008)
On some categories of involutive centered residuated lattices Castiglioni, J. L. (2008)
Compatible operations on commutative residuated lattices Castiglioni, J. L. (2008)
Robustness analysis for the method of assignment MATEHa De Giusti, Laura Cristina (2008)
Inclusión de tecnología digital en regiones socialmente desfavorecidas como elemento potenciador de la calidad de enseñanza Rodríguez, Osvaldo (2008)
An algorithmic implementation of the Pi function based on a new sieve Gulich, Damián (2008)