Learning Android
The necessary tools
1. Your first Android application
2. Android and model-view-controller
3. The activity lifecycle
4. Debugging Android apps
5. Your second activity
6. Android SDK versions and compatibility
7. UI fragments and the fragment manager
8. Creating user interfaces with layouts and widgets
9. Displaying lists with RecyclerView
10. Using fragment arguments
11. Using ViewPager
12. Dialogs
13. The toolbar
14. SQLite databases
15. Implicit intents
16. Taking pictures with intents
17. Two-pane master-detail interfaces
18. Assets
19. Audio playback with SoundPool
20. Styles and themes
21. XML drawables
22. More about intents and tasks
23. HTTP & background tasks
24. Loopers, handlers, and HandlerThread
25. Search
26. Background services
27. Broadcast intents
28. Browsing the web & WebView
29. Custom views and touch events
30. Property animation
31. Locations and play services
32. Maps
33. Material design
34. Afterword