Chapter 1: An Introduction to Android 7.0 Nougat
Chapter 2: Setting Up an Android Studio Development System
Chapter 3: An Introduction to the Android Studio Integrated Development Environment
Chapter 4: Introduction to XML: Defining Android Apps, UI Design, and Constants
Chapter 5: Introduction to Java: Objects, Methods, Classes, and Interfaces
Chapter 6: Android User Interface Design: Using Activity, View, and ViewGroup Classes
Chapter 7: Making Apps Interactive: Events and Intents
Chapter 8: Android Design Patterns: UI Design Paradigms
Chapter 9: Android Graphic Design: Making UI Designs Visual
Chapter 10: Android Animation: Image and Procedural Animation
Chapter 11: Digital Video: Streaming Video, MediaPlayer, and MediaController Classes
Chapter 12: Digital Audio: Sequencing Audio Using SoundPool
Chapter 13: Android Services and Threads: Background Processing
Chapter 14: Android Content Providers: Datastore Concepts