I. Starting out with HTML
1. Learning about HTML, the Web, and the Internet
2. Starting with HTML basics
3. Bautifying your HTML documents
4. Employing HTML tools
5. Classifying your site with head section elements
6. Formatting the body section of your pages
7. Stepping out: linking your way around the Web
8. Catching the colors -adding graphics
II. Beyond the basics
9. Making your pages sing: multimedia
10. Presenting information in tables
11. Dividing a window with frames
12. Building interactivity with forms
13. Experimenting with HTML extensions
14. Formatting your site with cascading style sheets
15. Programming with applets, active scripts, and CGI
16. Modernizing your site with dynamic HTML
III. Designing and promoting web sites
17. Wowing then with design
18. Getting connected and publishing your web site
19. Orienting your site for business
20. Looking for the future: changes to HTML and the Web
Appendix: Comprehensive HTML quick reference