Transmission media
Local asynchronous communication (RS-232)
Long-distance communication (carriers and modems)
Packets, frames, and error detection
LAN technologies and network topology
Hardware addressing and frame type identification
LAN wiring. Physical topology, and interface hardware
Extending LANs: fiber-modems, repeaters, bridges, and switches
WAN technologies and routing
Network ownership, service paradigm, and performance
Protocols and layering
Internetworking: concepts, architecture, and protocols
IP: Internet Protocol Addresses
Binding protocol addresses (ARP)
IP datagrams and datagram forwarding
IP encapsulation, fragmentation, and reassembly
The future IP (IPv6)
An error reporting mechanism (ICMP)
TCP: reliable transport service
Client-server interaction
The Socket interface
Example of a client and a server
Naming with the domain name system
Electronic mail representation and transfer
File transfer and remote file access
World Wide Web pages and browsing
CGI technology for dynamic web documents
Java technology for active web documents
Network management (SNMP)
Network security
Iniciatization (configuration).